Who are we?

The International Association of Former Council of Europe Staff Members (AIACE), founded in 1979, is an association governed by local Alsace-Moselle law and registered with the former Tribunal d’instance (now Tribunal judiciaire) in Strasbourg. Its present Statutes, adopted in 1996, were slightly amended in 2016 and again in 2022.
The association’s headquarters are at the Maison des Associations, Place des Orphelins, Strasbourg, but day-to-day management is dealt with in an office in D Building made available by the Council of Europe.

Who can join AIACE?

All former staff can join the association on payment of a small annual fee.
Membership is also available to former staff members’ dependants (in particular, spouses and partners).
The membership fee – currently 15 euros per year – is deducted once a year from the pension paid by the Council of Europe. (membership)

AIACE membership numbers

At the start of 2024 AIACE had 530 members out of a total of just over 1000 Council of Europe pensioners (former staff and holders of survivor’s or reversionary pension).
Although most of its members live in France (in particular, Alsace), there is a sizeable diaspora in a number of countries: Belgium, Canada, Finland, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Senegal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United Kingdom.

AIACE’s Aims

To defend the interests and rights of former Council of Europe staff and their dependants (see Article 2, para. 1 of the Statutes), particularly in pension matters (whatever the pension scheme) and as regards medical and social protection.
Further aims are to:

  • keep former staff informed of main developments at the Council of Europe, in particular those directly affecting them;
  • maintain contact between former Council of Europe staff members.

AIACE does not pursue any political, profit-making or religious goal.

How it operates

AIACE is financed wholly by Its members’ annual membership fees.
It is managed by a Bureau composed of a minimum of 7 volunteers and a maximum of 15. The Bureau members are elected by the Annual General Meeting, usually held in June.

From among its members the Bureau elects a Chair, one or two Vice-Chairs, a Secretary and a Treasurer; in addition it allocates specific responsibilities among its members (legal advice; relations with the Staff Amicale, the Staff Committee, AAPOCAD and AIACE-EU; social activities, etc.).

The Council of Europe provides AIACE with logistical support, making available an office with computer equipment in D Building (Da 109) and meeting rooms for the Annual General Meeting and the Bureau’s periodic meetings. It also pays for the printing and postage of documents sent to members who do not have an email address.


AIACE is financed wholly by Its members’ annual membership fees.
It is managed by a Bureau composed of a minimum of 7 volunteers and a maximum of 15. The Bureau members are elected by the Annual General Meeting, usually held in June.

From among its members the Bureau elects a Chair, one or two Vice-Chairs, a Secretary and a Treasurer; in addition it allocates specific responsibilities among its members (legal advice; relations with the Staff Amicale, the Staff Committee, AAPOCAD and AIACE-EU; social activities, etc.).

The Council of Europe provides AIACE with logistical support, making available an office with computer equipment in D Building (Da 109) and meeting rooms for the Annual General Meeting and the Bureau’s periodic meetings. It also pays for the printing and postage of documents sent to members who do not have an email address.